Monday, July 9, 2007

ArrowRock Dam Drive July 9

We are really old, but we have a nice car and we still enjoy a pleasant drive into the desert or mountains or the farmland in Idaho. July 9 we drove up into the towering mountains that make up the east ridge of Boise City. We traveled about 70 miles on one-lane dirt roads to get to the tiny run-down mountain town of Atlanta. It is a treasure of a little town with lots of Idaho history. Some of our friends have summer homes there, but we didn't visit them. We just stopped at a little pole-lodge restaurant and bought some pepsi to drink on the way home. I'm posting a few pictures of our little drive. First we passed Lucky Peak Dam that was built to store irrigation water for the Boise Valley and Treasure Valley farms. Then we followed that reservoir to the next dam, Arrowrock. There were lots of boats and skiiers and jet skis on the water. After leaving the beautiful structure of the Arrowrock Dam, the road hugged the sides of that reservoir until it petered out and became the North Fork of the Boise River, a tributary that feeds into the two dams. The first part of the drive was landscape filled with sage brush, the second part was shady from the old tall evergreens. We stopped and picnicked beside the river and let our little cocker puppy stretch his legs.

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