Friday, March 9, 2007

Pansy, ruffled

Pansies are one of my favorite flowers. They are hardy in cold climates and never stop blooming, it seems. Photographing them is a pure joy because they come in so many different colors. I'm posting one of my most recent photos of pansies I had.


Today I'm sketching more orchids. I bought a book with beautiful photographs of orchids and love to sketch from it. I'll post my sketching in a couple of days.

Meanwhile, I'll put up a sketch of crocus I did a few weeks ago. I don't have any in the yard, but I do love the perky flowers.... they are like magic to look at.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


Today I'm sketching a portrait of daffodils in graphite. I am using a mechanical #2 pencil. The lead is soft and very easy to work with. I will post a picture of it soon.

Today I'm posting a picture of an orchid portrait that I completed recently for C. Padilla's art exhibit at the Powell Gardens Conservatory in Kansas City, MO. I feel honored to be included in the exhibit.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Rose Photograph

March is a promising month. Even though the roses aren't looking very much like they are alive, I can see new growth, leaves, and greenish tinges on them. While waiting for them to finish their early spring growing, I work on last falls photos of the rose blooms.

Grandma Barbara in Boise
Temperature outside is 32 degrees and cloudy