As we drove the desert highway southwesternly, to the famous Las Vegas area, we were fascinated by the numerous industrial mines and factories that we saw. I think they get a lot of the stuff that goes into concrete, etc. from those mines. Very interesting area. They dotted the high valley floor, and were surrounded by snow capped mountains.... These mountains didn't have trees on them..... just desert mountains that we love to see. Hiking and horseback riding come to mind when I see them.
Entering Las Vegas we just kept the "pedal to the metal" and drove straight down the freeway that runs north to south in Las Vegas. That's when we discovered there is a North Las Vegas, where the famed NASCAR race track is, and a South Las Vegas, where new developments are springing up all over. Side note here: My grandson's wife's (adorable woman) father drove his nascar in a race there and did pretty good a few years back.
Anyway, I snapped pics of LV as we zoomed through, and despite the awful smog, I got some good shots. Looks like a mad-man's nightmare down there where all the tall skyscrapers are. Some of them were colored "gold" (if you can imagine - shaking my old head). "Sin City" is a nickname for this spot, and I'm thinking it has honestly earned the name. (tsk tsk tsk) (giggling)
In South Las Vegas I began to see why folks from everywhere would like to retire there. Very pretty and clean and new. However, no lush green lawns like we have here in beautiful Idaho. Such a shame.
We drove right on through, to Henderson, NV. Nice place.
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