Friday, September 24, 2010

Gorgeous Boise Sunrise

Went out to get the newspaper on the front porch and saw this gorgeous sunrise! It changes so fast as it comes up, so I dropped the newspaper and grabbed my old camera.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fun Little Mushrooms

Lots of little mushrooms growing in the yard this year. Especially now that it is cooler at night. Just had to take pictures of them.

Two Botanical Sketches

I saw this horse in a magazine and wanted to try it with pastels on black. The magnolia bud was fun to do last eve as I sat in bed and watched tv. Love to sketch.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Relaxin' Boots

Picked up a cowboy/rancher magazine at Walmart. Looking for something new to sketch. Found this picture. Graphite and carbon.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Smallest Bird Sketch

There is a little hummingbird that is only an inch (or a bit more) big. After seeing a picture in the local newspaper of him, I decided to sketch it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mums and Critters

Found this adorable green critter sitting on one of the mums on my patio this afternoon. He wasn't a bit afraid of me as I got very close to him to take his picture. Love his coloring.

Rain here in the high desert has cooled us down. Nice! Been sketching and walking. Missing Virgil very very very much. Seems my whole life was about him. Read in the paper today about a doctor I used to work with who died yesterday, just two days after his wife did. What a wonderful thing for him. Being left behind is awful.... lonely..... dull..... I want to be where my husband is, also. Waiting..... that is the hard part.