Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lonely Broken Heart

How I miss my dear husband. I wish he were here. I cry a lot when I'm alone. What shall I do to heal this lonely, miserable, breaking heart? I'm going through every room in this old house, rearranging and sorting and dusting..... but it's just busy work. I don't cry when I'm busy. After contemplating about my finances, I find that I have to move into a much cheaper home. I'm ready for that. Without the horribly, debilitating worry about finances, I'll be able to go on with my life.... alone. I'm constantly thankful for my faithful little dog, Toodles. He's so sweet and loyal and loving. This is his picture.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My precious husband of 49 years died last week. I feel like my world has ended and that I'm standing in limbo, waiting for him to come home. I feel like I'll see him in the next room when I walk there, that he is just outside enjoying the yard work that he puttered around doing every day. I think of him constantly.... I feel him in every thought, every minute, every room, and all the time. I think I am part of him and he is part of me. I love his smile and his humor and his strength and everything about him. I thank my Father in Heaven for my wonderful husband. I can hardly wait until we are together again, for eternity.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lord Baltimore Hibiscus

Lord Baltimore hibiscus grew in our half acre yard for years and years. It seemed to love the sun and oodles of water that it received through flood irrigation. It grew 12 feet tall and bloomed profusely. It was a show stopper, that's for sure. I'll never get to garden like that again, because my husband retired and he hates to dig up lovely green lawn to make flower beds (grinning).... but I have so many hundreds of pictures of what I used to raise, that I'll have to make do with them. However, we did buy another rose while we were in Boise last week..... Double Delight..... one of my favorites. Now, there are two of them in our back yard.

Mother's Day Orchid

I received a most beautiful orchid plant from my daughters and granddaughters, this Mother's Day. Loaded with large blooms, it was perfect for photographing. After looking up how to grow the orchid, on the internet, I'm hoping it will stay with us for a long, long time.