Monday, April 30, 2007


Today I'm very sad. On April 18th our son, an architect in Salt Lake City, was found dead at the job site of one of his projects. When the coroner in Boise arrived at my door and told me the horrible news, I couldn't believe it. Virgil and I have been planning, with our beloved son, to retire in Utah and he would spend most of his weekends with us in our new home. I guess our Father in Heaven had other plans for our precious son. I'm back in Boise and packing boxes, getting ready to move to Utah, but it is a lonely task.

There is a sweet story in a poem that somebody wrote once.... about standing at the dockside of a big a beautiful ship.... when it left it moorings I watched it until it disappeared. Some one announced... "it's gone..." But I knew that it was only gone from my old eyes..... on the other side of the water there was someone waiting and scanning the horizon.... then they suddenly exclaimed.... "I see it.... it's coming.... Nick is coming!" with joy in their hearts.

The days are sad and quieter now.... no more noontime phone calls to each other..... no surprise weekend visits to Utah.... no humor in our conversations.... just quietness and sadness.

While in Utah preparing for his funeral I sketched and sketched and sketched.... it was the only thing that kept my hurting heart and old mind from ruin.... I'm sharing a couple that I did. One is in colored pencil and is a WIP. The other is in graphite. There is another that I did and softly placed it in Nick's coffin.... for him only. It was a graphite of a journey through a quiet gate into a gorgeous mountain scene with a river and lots of trees and a beckoning path. At the bottom were the words of a favorite hymn... "Be Still My Soul."

Grandma Barbara in Boise

Monday, April 16, 2007

Boise Sunset

Living on the second bench (plateau) in the metropolitan desert city of Boise has its perks. One of them is the grand view of the setting sun in the western part of the valley. One evening on a cloudy day, the sun was going down in the west and setting the under-bellies of the clouds on fire. From our backyard I snapped a few shots as the scene changed before my eyes. The rooftops of our neighbors gave the pictures more depth.

Boise, temps in the 30s this early morning at 6am..... supposed to rain later in the day.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Clouds with Silver Lining

While driving to the SLC airport on Easter Sunday, we noticed this HUGE cloud covering the airport. Snapping as fast as I could while we flew along the interstate and wove in and out of traffic, I captures a few shots of this magnificant sight.

Boise, Cloudy and windy, spring is here and the nights are in the 30s and the days in the high 50s

Friday, April 13, 2007

Powell Gardens Conservatory Exhibit

This link will take you to the Powell Gardens Conservatory Exhibit. This prestigious Conservatory is located in Kansas City, Missouri. Curator Cynthia Padilla has put together a stunning exhibit of art work done by various artists in a variety of mediums. Please note that I have the honor of being included.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Clowns - sock and harlequin

Well, we decided not to buy that little house in Utah that we had looked at. It needed a lot of work done on it, and we would be pumping a LOT of money into it after retirement; so we are still looking. Meanwhile, we will move out of this gorgeous rental and into our BIG motorhome for the next 5 months while we continue to look at real estate in Utah. And, I am sketching to my hearts content. I'm posting two little clowns that I sketched a couple days ago. One I did in the SLC airport while waiting for our flight home, and the other I did last week - and hope to exhibit it sometime.

The temperature this morning is in the 40s and there is a cool wind, cloudy and a chance of rain showers. Good weather for the lawn and flowers.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Hyacinths and Muscari

Just as the morning sun was gettting to the potted hyacinths and muscari, I grabbed my camera and got a few pictures. The early morning sun is the best lighting for photos. Evening sun is good, too, but the morning sun seems to have a magic element in it.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Pansy leaves

For Eibhlim...... I took macros of the pansies growing in containers on my front doorstep and noticed that some are different colors.... just slightly. All of the pansies I have are the macro-flora bloomers (they have BIG flowers). I also took a few pics of the little leaves on the container roses and am posting one.

71 degrees in sunny Boise.... Good day for being outside.

Snow On Fence Photography

Today I'm sketching a sock-doll clown in graphite on 13x16 drawing paper. It is going very well. I love sketching dolls and cloth dolls and animals. They give me a nice break from botanicals. This morning I took pictures of the muscari and hyacinths on my back patio, as the sun came up and the shadows on the flowers was lovely. I'll post some later. Today I'm posting a picture I took of the wooden fence in our backyard when it snowed last month. We don't get much snow here in this banana-belt valley, but when it does, I hurry to snap some pictures. The temperature is 71 and the sun is shinning brightly. The back patio is lovely to sit on.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April Botanical Art Challenge

This month, Jill has suggested we use something red and native as our art work for the monthly challenge. I sketch so my "red" isn't really red, but the subject matter is definitely red, in it's true nature form.

I sketched a clump of red delicious apples with leaves as it hangs on a branch. Then I sketched a red strawberry. Both of these grow naturally here in the Treasure Valley of Idaho. Boise sits in a high desert plateau surrounded by tall mountain ranges that protect it from extreme weather.

Grandma Barbara